
The Abandoned Hotel On Tablas Romblon

The Wonders of The Abandoned Hotel in Tablas, Romblon, Philippines

Romblon is a group of islands in the Philippines that hosts many beautiful places. One of the most famous places in Romblon is Tablas Island, where there are lots of beautiful beaches, forests and mountains. One thing that makes this island different from others is The Abandoned Hotel. This hotel was built during World War II as a refuge for Japanese soldiers, who were hiding here to escape American bombings.

The hotel has been abandoned ever since 1945, when Japan surrendered to the allies, but it still remains an important place for visitors because it’s known for having ghostly spirits roaming around inside its walls. Tourists who visit these ruins often claim to hear noises coming from empty rooms or feel someone watching them while they walk around outside at night

History of The Abandoned Hotel in Romblon

The history of the abandoned hotel in Romblon is a little confusing. It is said that the hotel was built by a group of Japanese businessmen in the year 1960, but they failed to finish it due to financial problems. The locals then took over and finished building it. It became a popular tourist destination, thanks to its unique architectural design and beautiful sights.

The owners decided to sell it, but nobody wanted to buy it because they thought that it was haunted by ghosts! So they decided not anymore rent rooms at the hotel or even let people stay there overnight because they were afraid of what might happen if someone got hurt during their stay there.

The Speciality and Authenticity

The Hotel Romblon, located in the island-municipality of Tablas, is a historical landmark and a popular tourist destination. This hotel was built during the early 1900s and was abandoned in the 1960s. It has been nicknamed as “the last standing hotel” because it serves as an example of how important tourism is for this region’s economy. In fact, people from all over the world come to this area just to experience its beauty and history first-hand!

The abandoned hotel in Romblon is definitely one of the places to visit in the Philippines. It’s a great place to experience the culture and history of Tablas Island.

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